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Episode II

Character Design

Grega / U'il


The main character of the series everyone knows Han Solo except for much of the characters in this story. For looks we based it around the style seen in the comic which seems to be almost a hybrid of his appearance in "A New Hope" and "The Empire Strikes Back" as that is actually when these events take place.

Where ever Han goes Chewie is not far behind. With his look never really changing all that much the biggest obstacle here was figuring out how to best translate an alien that is almost all fur into a format which is made up of hard edges. As you can see the first few passes were a little rough.



Officer Tomine

Imperial_Officer_Image copy.png

Loo Re Anno, a new species of alien created for the comic, is one of the characters driving the story from the perspective of the racer's rather than the rebellion. She has a very spiritual way about her setting aside her somewhat intimidating height which is actually a bit taller than Chewbacca. This occasionally caused a bit of a challenge with eye lines and the angles of other model's heads.

Environment Design

Landing Zone